At PageMaster we want you be successful in your online marketing. We create websites and provide you training to see you succeed. This post is part of our series from our Site Training Workbook.
Comments are the thing that make blogging fun. They tell you people are not only reading what you wrote, but are interacting with it. You should moderate comments.
This is set under “Settings” – “Discussion” – “Before a Comment Appears” Select if comments are moderated.
You want to moderate comments because in time, there is a lot of spam that comes as blog comments. Google no longer counts links in comments in Page Rank, but there are programs and money to be made spamming innocent sites like yours with worthless backlinks.
What comments are spam? The most obvious spam has a lot of links in it. The next most obvious spam has nothing to do with the post. The even less obvious spam has positive comments about your site. If the site linked is to some weird looking or spam-looking domain name (like viagra sites) you know it’s spam. Mark it as spam in WordPress. Click on “Comments “- select the comments you know are spam – in the “Bulk Action” select “Mark as Spam” and hit “Apply”.
It’s good to go through the spam folder once a week to make sure comments that WordPress labeled as spam are really spam. If you find any, hover over the comment and select “Not Spam” when it appears.