December update: 

During “bend the curve” we are working from home as much as possible and rotating in-shop staff. Core hours are 9:30-4:00, although pickups/drop-offs during regular hours and on Saturdays are possible – call ahead.  Appointments are required for all consultations.
PageMaster is following our tradition of closing for the holidays. We will be closed December 24 through January 3 and wish you the best. Stay creative and connected.

Hours update

Along with the time change we fell back to normal hours with minor changes. Opening at 8:30. Closing at 5:00 except 6:00 on Thursday and 4:00 on Friday.  The dearth of April is hopefully behind us. We are seeing a lot of family legacy books coming through, and for September, we actually were ahead year-over-year.  

You can request an appointment on the contact page. Appointments on Mondays and Wednesdays are still best.

As per health guidelines a mask or face-covering is required.

Keep creating.

April 20 update: 

REDUCED DAYS. Due to the constrained economy, PageMaster is closing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We will respond to phone messages, emails, orders and contact form submissions during regular hours on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Please call or email ahead to help us schedule visitors and keep everyone safe. 

We will be using the down days to enhance services and web content. We encourage you to continue to prepare your work for publication and marketing. Let's stay safe, but press into our creations.

The "virus" is on everyone's mind and Edmonton streets are quiet.

I hope you are continuing to be creative and we are here to help. This post outlines how to connect with PageMaster during this pandemic and keep your creative flowing. 

Our main priority is helping to keep our employees healthy as we navigate this disruptive time. Next, we seek to use this time wisely to protect your publishing investments and encourage you to continue to create.

Header image courtesy Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.
Right image from Alberta Heath.


Hours and virtual options

We encourage clients to use our online project management portal or pick up the phone and call. 

The shop remains open. We are scheduling meetings only Mondays and Wednesdays, however project pickup and proofs are available during our normal business hours. We can also mail your order or proofs if requested. To reduce physical contact or the need to come in, payments can be completed by E-transfer.

If you have a book project and want more information, including sending us a sample file, use the book estimate form.

Books and art help us see beyond our current situation. You may browse and order both online at PageMasterPublishing.ca with pickup or delivery options.

If you are feeling unwell, please do not visit PageMaster

Feeling unwell includes respiratory issues (cough, running nose, fever, shortness of breath). Please do not enter if you have recently traveled outside Canada. You will need to postpone your visit until after 14 days from travel to reduce the risk of spreading infection to our staff. We can connect through Zoom or Skype or phone.

If you do enter our shop, please follow these hygiene protocols for your safety and ours:

  • Wash hands with soap and water before and after entering.
  • Hand sanitizer is available at the front desk.
  • If you cough or sneeze, use a tissue or into your bended elbow and wash or sanitize your hands immediately afterwards.
  • Sorry, no shaking of hands, hugging, or touching.

We hope you use this time to complete those creative projects. We are looking forward to working with you in sharing your gift with the world.

Posted in  PageMaster News, About   on  March 22, 2020 by  Dale Youngman2

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